KREVELT (Abram van).

Compleete Zak-Atlas, van der Zeventien Nederlandsche Provincien, begreepen in XXXI, zeer naauwkeurig en zindfelyk in ‘t koper gebragte Kaarten, Op nieuw vervaardigd, nar bde laatste verbeteringen. ... van de Heeren, Fraex, Bachine, und andere voornaame Aa

Second edition under this title; octavo (203 x 117); double-page engraved title-page, 243, [1]pp., twenty-nine folding engraved maps, two folding engraved distance tables, all in fine original wash colour, a very good example. Contemporary half calf over speckled paper-covered boards, gilt, red morocco label to spine; joints and spine recently repaired, boards slightly rubbed. Amsterdam : Jan Barend Elwe & Dirk Meland Langeveld, 1786.


Third edition of this atlas of the Low Countries, first published by [Johanna] Wedue de Josua Ottens in about 1770, and then reprinted under this title by Elwe and Langeveld in 1785, with this edition appearing in 1786. The Ottens atlas contained only the series of Low Country maps, while Elwe and Langeveld’s version inserted Krevelt’s maps of the world and four continents: Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas.

The atlas is preceded by a general geographical introduction, followed by a description of the different parts of the Netherlands.

Reference: Koeman, E & L 2, recording only the Library of Congress example of this edition, and Ott 10: the first appearances of the Low Countries maps.

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