[PARIS (Compte de)].

Damas et le Liban. Extraits du Journal d'un Voyage en Syrie au printemps de 1860.

With a letter from the author

First edition. 8vo. Original blind embossed purple cloth, gilt, a fine unopened copy. vii, 136pp. London, W. Jeffs, 1861.


Louis-Phillipe d’Orléans, Comte de Paris. This volume, “destiné seulement à quelques personnes” comments on the Turkish administration in Damascus, and the position of Christians in the Lebanon, and was presumably published in the wake of the 1860 massacres when interest in the region was very high.

Loosely inserted is an autographed letter from the Count to a Mr Samuel Bates, at the Hôtel du Palais, Paris, 1877.

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