SYMONS, Arthur.

Days and Nights.

First edition. 8vo., original black cloth, spine lettered in gilt. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1889.


An interesting association copy of Symons’ second book and first volume of poetry‚ with a warm gift inscription by Symons’s father to Symons’s uncle “John C. Symons, With the love of his Brother Mark. April 1889.“ Beckson notes that the poet’s doubtless proud father helped him with the proofs - contrary to the impression that Symons himself fostered in A Prelude to Life that his father was a hostile witness to his early career. The book was well received, with Symons’ hero Walter Pater giving it a warm review concluding that “In this new poet, the rich poetic vintage of our time has run clear at last.” Olive Schreiner on the other hand, wrote to their mutual friend Havelock Ellis, that “… they are too good … too much thought, too little feeling, too perfect in form. They are wonderful for so young a man. He may be a great writer and a great man, but he will never be a great poet.” (both quoted by Beckson) A fine copy.

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