[BRAZIL] & LINHARES (Conde de).

DECRETO. Sendo de absoluta necessidade prover á seguranca, e tranquillidade publica desta cidade, cuja populacão, e trafico tem crescido consideravelmente, e se augmentará todos os dias pela affluencia de negocios inseparavel das grandes capitáes...

Later edition. 4to. 19th century quarter terracotta morocco over marbled boards, gilt title to upper board with initials R.C.B.; spine and corners worn. Old worming within, repaired in some places with tissue backing, tissue reinforcement to gutters. [3],4-9pp. Rio de Janeiro, Na Impressão Regia, 13 May, 1809.


This decree announces the creation of the Military Divisions of the Royal Police Guards, and is followed by a plan of its organisation. This plan, with the title “Composição, E Regulação da Divizão Militar da Guarda Real da Policia do Rio da Janeiro” includes tables of salaries and 24 items of regulation. This gendarmerie was to be organised in the same manner as the military police force which the Prince Regent had organised in Lisbon. The force was to be drawn from Infantry and Cavalry Units.

Camargo describes the first edition as being 8pp. with small spelling differences, making this one of two later editions.

Worldcat finds copies matching this pagination and the first edition pagination at the John Carter Brown Library only.

Camargo, A.M. de A. Bibliografia da Impressão Régia do Rio de Janeiro, 1808-1822, 2, 91.

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