CIVININI (Filippo).

Della origine, progressi e stato del Museo d'anatomia fisiologica, e patologica umano-comparata dell'I. e R. Universita` di Pisa.

First Edition. Small 8vo (190 x 117mm). 32pp., with a large coloured folding plan of the museum. A few spots but otherwise fine. Modern paper wrappers.

Pisa: Ranieri Prosperi, 1841.


Rare. OCLC records only the University of Padua and the British Library.

The University of Pisa already had a long tradition of anatomical studies dating back to the 16th-century and its founder, Andreas Vesalius. In 1829 Tommaso Biancini began a small collection of anatomical samples in his “Anatomical Cabinet”. This collection was expanded to around 1,600 exhibits and catalogued by a dissector at the University, Philip Civinini (1805-1844). The collection, which can still be viewed today, also included Egyptian mummies.

This Illustrated history and guide begins with the initial proposals for the museum before describing the construction and some of the pieces in the collection. The plan at the end shows the layout of the collection and a list of the benefactors.

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