Die Amerikafahrt des Z.R. III. Mit dem Luftschiff über den Atlantischen Ozean.
A presentation copy, inscribed in pencil on the front free endpaper ‘Im frdl. Erinnerung an den besuch des Luftschiffes “Graf Zeppelin” in Friedrichshafen August 1928. Der verfasser A. Wittemann, Navigationsoffizier auf der Amerikafahrt des Z.R. III, 12-15. Okt.1924’. (In fond remembrance of the visit of the airship Graf Zeppelin to Friedrichshafen August 1928. The author, A Wittemann, Navigation Officer on the journey to America of Z.R. III).
ZR 3, a rigid airship, was flown in 1924 to the USA and became the USS Los Angeles, as part of the reparation agreements after the Great War. It was built in Friedrichshafen in 1923-4 by the Zeppelin company.
Covers faded and sunned, a few scratch marks.