LIMA (Joaquim Inácio de).
Dissertacões sobre a fortificacão permanente sobre a fortificacão de campanha, e sobreo alcance das bombas...
The first Portuguese translation of a work first published in French in Utrecht in 1795. Written by Karl Wilhelm Hennert (1739-1800), a former Lieutenant in the Prussian artillery, it concerns the fortification of towns and military camps in relation to contemporary ballistics. Lima dedicates his translation to Antonio d’Araujo de Azevedo, Minister and Secretary of State for the Navy and Overseas Dominions.
Camargo, A.M. de A. Bibliografia da Impressão Régia do Rio de Janeiro, 1808-1822, 1, 394.
Not in Palau. No copies in WorldCat. The only copy we can locate is held at the BNP.