BRUNS (Dr. Paul von)

Effets des Projectiles des Armes Nouvelles de Petit Calibre.

Par… traduit de l’Allemand avec l’Autorisation de l’Auteur par le Docteur Victor Bovet. Privat Docent à l’Université de Berne. 4to. Seven plates in photogravure. Text leaves quite heavily browned, otherwise very good wire-stitched in the original paper wrappers, browned and brittle. 56pp. Librairie Ls Waechter, Berne, n.d, 1890.


Uncommon, OCLC locates five copies of the original German Tübingen edition of 1889, but no copies of this translation. BL & BNF have copies of a French language edition published in Brussels the following year. Only the Swiss National Library has a copy of this translation.

Bruns was a Professor of Surgery at the University of Tübingen, specializing in surgery of the larynx and limbs, later in combination with Military Surgery, particularly amputations. In 1885 he founded Beiträge zur Klinischen Chirurgerie.

Study of the physical effects of the newly introduced smaller calibre weapons. The plates show the impact of 8 & 11mm bullets on sheet metal, seasoned beech wood, and bone, and also the distortion of nickel and steel projectiles after hitting the human body.

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