A fascinating guide to a little-reported aspect of the Second World War. It was drawn-up by the recently formed (January 1944) 5250th TECHINT Company (Sep) (Prov) which was organized under the general supervision of the assistant chief of staff (ACoS) G-2, U.S. Army Services of Supply (USASOS) at Finschafen, New Guinea. The Company was entirely involved in fighting Japanese forces and the following year relocated to Manila.
The work was to aid the identification of captured Japanese drugs and medicines. The introduction to the work states: “The importance of preservation of captured medical material is apparent when one considers that the number of prisoners of war, both military and civil, is rapidly increasing … Likewise, the inevitable day when we shall occupy what is left of the Japanese Empire is fast approaching and may well bring with it a tremendous burden for the Medical Department.”
The book opens with a quick guide to Japanese characters, followed by photographic illustrations of Japanese medicines. Where necessary the illustrations are have a typed caption in English and the products range from the mundane, such as iodine, chloroform and athlete’s foot powder to the more exotic novocaine, benzedrine, and even cocaine suppositories.
“The 5250th personnel had several missions. First, they evaluated captured enemy materiel. From this analysis, they determined the state of Japanese resources, developed effective countermeasures to Japanese weapons and tactics, and exploited enemy technologies for American benefit. Second, because much of the serviceable Japanese equipment was turned over to American tactical units, the company provided training in its use and maintenance. Third, they also wrote detailed reports on newly introduced ordnance and described improvised mines and booby traps. These reports were disseminated to the tactical troops for awareness. Finally, the company provided overall supervision of the retention and disposition of enemy materiel” (Stewart). 20 November, 1945, the Company moved to Tokyo to commence a new mission with the occupying forces.
OCLC locates ten copies.
Stewart, L.S., “5250th TECHINT Company arrives in Manila” https://www.dvidshub.net/news/416858/5250th-techint-company-arrives-manila - accessed 20 October, 2023.