[SELLER (John sr.)]
The English Pilot, for the Southern Navigation: describing the Sea-Coasts, Capes, Headlands, Bays, Roads, Harbours, Rivers and Ports: together with the Soundings, Sands, Rocks and Dangers on the Coast of England, Scotland, Ireland, Holland, Flanders, Spai
English Pilot Southern Navigation 1758
Uncommon late printing of the ‘English Pilot’ volume for the ‘Southern Navigation’, for the use of mariners in European waters, covering the coasts from Scotland southwards, with the Atlantic coasts of Ireland, France and Spain round to the Straits of Gibraltar.
This was the principal English pilot book for the region for the period. This copy was published during the Seven Years’ War, when fears of a French invasion were at their height, and covers those areas most likely to be the scene of naval actions or landings.
The chart composition of the book can vary between copies; this copy is without the chart of the Forth of Forth and two charts of the Dutch coast found in some editions, but has an additional chart of the ‘Westerne Islands’.
ESTC records three American locations; Adams and Waters add the National Maritime Museum and two further American locations.