EKELÖF (Adolf).
Ett år i Stilla Fafvet. Reseminnen från Patagonien, Chili, Peru, Californien, Britiska Colubmia och Oceanien.
“A little-known account of a Pacific voyage by a young Swedish lieutenant on board two British naval ships, the Zealous and the Alert” (Forbes). Ekelöf sailed round Cape Horn and North to San Francisco and Vancouver on board the Zealous, before transferring to the Alert which took him to Honolulu and on to Tahiti. He arrived at Hawaii on September 26, 1867 and, granted shore leave, explored Honolulu and its vicinity and went to Waikiki. The lithograph plates portray King Kamehameha IV & V, Dowager Queen Emma, a view of Diamond Head and a Hawaiian woman.Forbes (Hawaiian Nat. Bib.) III, 2936; du Rietz, 396.