HOGG (Alexander).
An Exact Representation of the Death of Captn. James Cook, F.R.S. at Karakakooa Bay, in Owhyhee, on Feb 14, 1779. Accurately engraved from a Drawing made on the spot purposefully for this Work by A. Hogg.
A nice impression of an engraving after John Webber’s famous painting of the death of Captain James Cook, at the hands of indigenous Hawaiian warriors on Valentine’s Day 1779.
Made to illustrate Hogg’s A new, authentic, and complete collection of voyages… (which went through a number of editions in the last two decades of the 19th century) the image does not stray from Webber’s representation, which depicts Cook in a heroic pose: asking his men to stop firing on the Hawaiians as knives are drawn around him.
It is likely that Hogg also referenced Bartolozzi’s engraving of the painting, which was issued for the first time in January 1784.