compiled by “Charon” and dedicated to those who served with him on the Upper River 1926-28 and 1932-34. First and only edition. Map on front endpapers, frontispiece and numerous photographic illustrations. 12mo. Original cloth, a very good copy. 50pp. Shanghai, North China Daily News and Herald Ltd, 1934.
“The following notes on the Upper Yangtze have been put together with a view to giving the Ship’s Companies of Gunboats some idea of the many points of interest which are met with on the trip from I-Chang to Chungking. During two ‘commissions’ on the Yangtze Kiang which have included a certain amount of experience on the Upper Section, the compiler of these pages has made a habit of producing, night by night, a page or so of ‘foolscap’ giving a short description of the run for the following day. ‘Daily Dope’, as it was called, proved immensely popular…” (Foreword). Rare.