Engraved frontispiece and head- and tail-pieces after Durand.
12mo (130 x 80mm.) [2], xlviii, 305pp. Smooth calf prize binding by Bradel with oval cartouche with imperial eagle lettered ‘Universite´ Impe´riale’ and ’Concours des lyce´es de Paris’, gilt at spine, red morocco lettering-piece, gilt edges, slip- case.
Paris: J Barbou, 1754, 1754.
Attractive edition of Roman fabulist Phaedrus’ latinized retelling of Aesop’s fables.
Bookseller’s label ‘Fourni par Brunot-Labbe libraire de l’Universite´ impe´riale Quai des Augustins no 33 a` Paris’. Claude-Cle´ofas Brunot (1773-1836) was called Claude Brunot-Labbe from 1807 and advertised books ’joliment relie´s’ for sale as suitable for presents.
Brunet IV, 589.