BAINES (Thomas).

The Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa.

First edition. Folding map (in rear pocket), original photograph as portrait frontispiece, facsimile letter & 3 plates illustrating Baines’ paintings, with numerous illustrations in the text. 8vo. Original pictorial cloth, gilt, extremities rubbed. xxiv, 188, 189-240ads. pp. London, 1877.


“The volume is a most important work, and contains full information of every description upon the subject of the gold discoveries in Matabeland and Mashonaland, with much curious knowledge of the inhabitants” (Mendelssohn). Baines was one of the earliest explorers to travel through the region that became Rhodesia. Lobengula granted him an important concession, though due to inadequate funding, he missed out on procuring the enormous wealth of later concession holders. Baines also includes information on the gold discoveries of Transvaal. Mendelssohn I, p71.

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