PATON (Andrew Archibald).

Highlands and Islands of the Adriatic,

including Dalmatia, Croatia and the Southern Provinces of the Austrian Empire.

First edition. Volumes 1-2. Frontispieces, eight lithographic plates (one folding) & a folding map. 8vo. Uniform contemporary green half calf, red morocco labels to spine, marbled edges, occasional minor foxing, excellent copy. xxiv, 314; viii, [ii], 308pp. London, Chapman & Hall, 1849.


Written by a diplomat formerly in the employ of Sir Robert Gordon, Ambassador to Vienna, this insightful study provides a richly textured analysis of the region. While putatively concerned with the peoples and the land they inhabit, Paton also includes much on the political tensions of the era. With descriptions of Ragusa, Croatia and Montenegro, including a depiction of the Palace of Diocletian.

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