First edition. 2 vols. 2 folding maps, 2 coloured lithograph plates & 10 tinted plates (including a folding panorama) with numerous further woodcut plates in the text. 8vo. Original cloth gilt, backs faded as usual, inner joints repaired. . xvi, 348, 32 [ads dated Jan 54]; xii, 345, 2pp. London, 1854.
A good copy. With a great desire to travel and having inherited a great enthousiasm for botany from his father, Hooker was fortunate to be able to indulge both passions from an early age. He set out in 1850 with Thomas Thompson to botanise in Northern India and on his return was able to secure funding from the government in order to write up his journals and to catalogue the collected flora and disseminate the duplicated specimens.