ZARATE (Augustin de).

Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou.

First French edition. 2 vols. Folding map & 13 engraved plates. 12mo. Contemporary sprinkled calf, spines richly gilt in compartments, with red morocco label to each, headcaps repaired. [xxxviii], 307; [vi], 408pp. Amsterdam, J. L. de Lorme, 1700.


A standard work on the discovery, conquest, and the subsequent civil war in Peru. The author arrived in Peru in the entourage of the first viceroy, Blasco Nunez Vela, and witnessed the campaigns against the Incas as well as the civil war between factions of Spanish conquerors. Sabin, 106259; Palau, 379639.

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