MINADOI (Giovanni Tommaso).
Historia della guerra fra turchi, et persiani ... con una descrittione di tutte le cose pertinenti alla religione, alle forze, al governo, & al paese del regno de persiani ...
First published in Rome in the previous year this is the second edition of this important account of the wars between the Persians and the Ottoman Turks, it was soon translated into Spanish (Madrid 1588), German (Frankfurt 1592), and English (London 1595). The author had travelled in the East between 1577 and 1585 and his work is based on his own experiences. The text describes the religion, government and countries of the kingdom of Persia, with a history of the origin of Islam. There is also an interesting letter to Mario Corrado on the identification of Tauris with Ecbatana. The fine folding engraved map stretches from Anatolia in the west to Kabul in the east, and from Siberia in the north to the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf in the south. Waterstaining affecting outer margins.
Adams M1455. Atabey 816. Göllner 1830.