GOMARA (Franceso Lopez). & GRAVALIZ (Augustin) Translator.

Historia delle Nuove Indie Occidentali. Con Tutti i Discoprimenti & cose notabili, avuenute dopo l'acquisto di esse. Parte Seconda.


8vo. Early vellum rather soiled, title in ink to spine. Early ink ownership inscription to tp of Rocco Danielli, a few marginal notes within. Dampstaining to first quire. [8], 312ll. Venice, Giovanni Bonadio, 1564.


The second volume of two, but a complete account of this, the earliest translation of Lopez Gomara into Italian. The first part being the work Cieza de Leòn on Peru. In 1564 Bonadio also published this text as a separate work.

The text describes Spanish conquests in the Americas, including Cortez, Columbus and Pizarro.

This copy from the 1951 Harmsworth sale. Sabin, 27740; JCB I 224-225; Not in Church.

Stock No.