GLAS (George)

The History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands

translated from a Spanish Manuscript, lately found in the Island of Palma. With an Enquiry into the Origin of the Ancient Inhabitants. To which is added, a description of the Canary Islands, including the Modern History of the Inhabitants, and an Account of their Manners, Customs, Trade, &c.First edition. Four engraved maps (1 folding). 4to. Original boards, with a new calf eather sapine. viii, 368pp. London, 1764.


Divided into three parts, the first is Glas’s translation of Juan de Abreu Galindo’s manuscript concerning the voyage of John de Betancourt; the second, is an ethnography of the indigenous population and their language; the third, a description of the archipelago.Bearing the bookplate of Charles Hope Weir, the Scottish politician. Sabin 79; Gay 2946.

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