CRANTZ (David).

The History of Greenland: containing a Description of the Country and its Inhabitants:

and particularly, A Relations of the Mission, carried on for above these Thirty Years by the Unitas Fratrum, at New Herrnhuth and Lichtenfels, in that Country.First English edition. 2 vols. 2 folding maps & 7 folding plates (most with 2 images). 8vo. Fine contemporary polished calf, joints repaired. [iv], lx (2 leaves misbound after title), 405; [ii], 498pp. London, 1767.


Crantz provided much information on Greenland’s flora and fauna, but gave particular emphasis to the Inuit in his account of Greenland. The plates show “Greenlanders” going about their daily lives: with illustrations of “Kaiak”, “Umiak” (women’s boat), harpoons, and a tent, amongst other items. It is interesting to note that Crantz was the first writer to record kayak rolling, of which he gives ten examples, a vital survival skill for the Inuit hunter.

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