MILL (Nicholas).

The History of Mexico, from the Spanish Conquest to the Present Aera ...

Containing a condensed and connected general View of the Manners, Customs, Religion, Commerce, Soil, and Agriculture - Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Productions - A concise Political and Statistical Review of the Changes effected in that Country, with its present Form of Government, etc. etc.- also, Observations, Speculative and Practical, as to the best Means of working the Mexican Mines, by a Combination of British Talent, Capital, and Machinery.

First edition. Extending coloured map of North and Central America. 8vo. Original paper boards, bumped at corners, roughly backed with cloth (this with splitting to joints, though sound. Interior excellent. Uncut, with wide margins. xii, 300, 8ads.pp. London, Sherwood, Jones & Co., 1824.

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