HAWKINS (Joseph).

A History of a Voyage to the Coast of Africa,

and Travels into the Interior of that Country; containing Particular descriptions of the Climate and Inhabitants, and interesting particulars concerning the Slave Trade.

Second edition. Engraved frontispiece. 12mo. Modern calf, gilt, frontispiece strengthened with marginal tears repaired, some browning throughout. ix, 11-180pp. Troy, New York, Luther Pratt, 1797.


The first published account of an American voyage to Africa.

Hawkins left Charleston in 1793 and spent most of his time in the country of the Ebos, who were at war with their neighbours. He recounts a Golo invasion into Ebo territory as well as describing the climate and the local inhabitants. The work’s real value however is as an early source of information on the American slave trade. Hawkins purchased a number of slaves to sell in America and provides a relatively sympathetic account of their suffering and transport.

The author contracted a disease on his travels which rendered him blind. He published this account to support himself. This edition after a first edition of the same year, printed in Philadelphia. Sabin, 30956.

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