HUSSERL (Edmund).
Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenolischen Philosophie.
Husserl’s second major work and his first systematic effort to lay the groundwork for phenomenology as a science, a classic text ‘not just of the phenomenological movement but to be counted among the great philosophical works of the 20th century’ (Dermot Moran). The text introduced the transcendental-phenomenological method of epoché or ‘bracketing’. ‘It may be regarded as a radicalization of the methodological constraint, already to be found in Logical Investigations, that any phenomenological description proper is to be performed from a first person point of view, so as to ensure that the respective item is described exactly as is experienced, or intended, by the subject’ (Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy).
Huserl’s Ideen was the first of a planned but never realised three-volume work. It was published as the opening essay of the first issue of the Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung, the official organ of the nascent phenomenological movement of which Husserl was joint editor, and issued in the present book edition in the same year. The journal also contained the first appearance of Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit in 1927.