International Economic Integration.

First edition thus. 8vo. 191, [1] pp. Original black cloth, spine lettered and ruled in gilt, dust jacket (just the merest of hint of occasional faint spotting to blank fore margins, contents otherwise generally clean; light shelf wear to jacket with a few tiny nicks to extremities, ends of spine panel slightly rubbed, still a very good copy overall). Amsterdam and Brussels, Elsevier, 1954.


The completely revised, re-written and retitled second edition of Tinbergen’s 1945 book International Economic Co-operation. Tinbergen explained his decision to revisit the subject in his preface:

‘This book in a way constitutes a second edition of my International Economic Co-operation, published 1945. It has been completely re-written, however, in order to take account of the rapid development in thinking as well as in international economic co-operation itself. As the change in title indicates the emphasis has also been slightly shifted: the process of integration has been chosen as the aim towards which the analysis is directed. The booklet is meant, as in its first edition, for those not officially trained or not yet trained in economics and tries to stick to simple language. Nevertheless it tries to concentrate on the economic background of the integration process rather than on events or documentation: economic reasoning is its main instrument. In two appendices the foundations of this reasoning are exemplified in some more detail.’ (author’s preface, p. 5).

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