Interrogation of Prisoners.

4to. 4pp. uncompleted printed form produced for use during the campaign in East Africa. Somewhat browned, some chipping at the margins, old creases starting to split, but overall very good. N.p., April, 1916.


A carefully produced guide which sets out the scope and depth of interrogations. Organised as a step-by-step outline to the form of questioning,

“(a) It is most important to have accurate information as to the name or number of the Company to which the prisoner belongs. This should be telegraphed.

(b) “His own story” should give the circumstances of his capture as related by himself, and the history of his life in the Company from the time of his being recruited.

(c) “Itinerary” should give the route of the Company to and from the place at which the prisoner was captured and such information as to the previous movements of his company as it is possible to elucidate.“

through to,

“(l) Pay - Rate of pay for various ranks. Whether in cash or notes, and if the latter of what denomination. Whether regularly received or not.

(m) Clothing - Source of manufacture, periods of new issues, local prices, condition.

(n) Recruits - The tribes, training places, length of training, state of efficiency, state of equipment, and strength, posts, and names and numbers of new Companies.“

When cast against the inefficiency of the British Military and Naval command in East Africa and the slackness of the Indian Army, this document highlights Meinertzhagen’s meticulous efforts in intelligence work. For example, section (m) would relate to his attempts to keep track of the success of the German’s continued efforts to keep their Force supplied from the sea, whilst the answers to (l) would have been of great assistance in the work of Meinertzhagen’s counterfeiting operation.

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