Jardyne's Wife. A Novel in Three Volumes.

First edition. 3 vols., 8vo., original pale blue cloth. London: Griffith Farran & Co., n.d, 1891.


Really fine copies, signed on recto of initial blank in all three volumes by the author’s son, Geoffrey Wills. At end of Vol. I, 9 pp. ads for new releases, integral to the text, followed by 4 pp. ads for “Books by the same author.“ At end of Vol. II, same ads for books by Wills, followed by 6 pp. general publisher’s ads dated ‚“May 1891.“ At end of Vol. III, the same ads dated May 1891.

Davidson was the ghostly collaborator with Wills on this, and is credited anonymously as “an ingenious friend” in the introduction. Sloan believes his authorial hand can be most seen in volume 2: second volumes were clearly a specialisation of his.

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