ZHU (Ji).
Jinling gu ji ming sheng ying ji [Famous Ancient Monuments of Nanjing] - Nanking.
Keith G. Stevens (1926-2016) was a noted expert on Chinese Gods, Spirits and Demons. Having served in the 5th Royal Gurkha regiment in WWII he studied Chinese at SOAS before re-joining the army. He published numerous articles on the subject culminating in “Chinese Gods, The Unseen World of Spirits and Demons. 1997”. A manuscript label stuck to the front of the wrapper: “Nanking is not as picturesque as this book would indicate. The city is bomb-scarred, dusty and dilapidated.” A fascinating photographic record of ancient monuments, graves, walls, architecture, and sculpture of the old capital of Nanjing many of which have now disappeared. Rare.