[SANSON (Nicolas sr.)]
L'Europe en plusieurs cartes, et en divers traittes de geographe et d'historie...
Sanson’s quarto atlases proved a great success, spawning both German and Dutch piracies.
This version, with the maps re-engraved by Antonie d’Winter, brings together the four books into one volume; it was published anonymously in 1683, but possibly by Simon Ribbius, who used the plates in an 1683 publication.
Sanson’s maps represents considerable advances on rival Dutch publications by the Blaeus and Janssonius, popularising French geographical advances, notably from Jesuit sources, particularly in North and South America, but also the misconception of California as an island.
References: Pastoureau, SANSON VII F (Europe), I F (Africa), III F (Asia) & II F (America).