FLEURIAU (P. Bertrand-Gabriel).

La Vie du venerable Pere Pierre Claver, de la Compagnie de Jesus, Apotre de Cartagene. Et des Indes Occidentales.

First edition. 16mo. Full contemporary calf, rubbed and scuffed, with wear to fore-corners. Ms ex-lib notes to title-page, interior clean. xxiv, 499, [4], [1]pp. Paris, Bordelet, 1751.


A decent copy of this biography of the Spanish Jesuit, Pierre Claver (1580-1684), who devoted his life to the destitute enslaved in Peru. He made a departure from his predecessor, by not only tending to them, but receiving at the docks as they arrived at Cartaghena.

Rare at auction, with just two copies recorded in 2004 and 2014.

Sabin, 24745.

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