DERRIDA (Jacques),

La Voix et le Phénomène. Introduction au problème du signe dans la phénoménologie de Husserl.

First edition. Small 8vo. [6], 117, [3] pp. Original printed wrappers (light wear to edges, later price sticker to rear cover, vertical crease to front cover, still a good copy). Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, Épiméthée, Essays philosophiques, Collection dirigée par Jean Hyppolite, 1967.


One of Derrida’s foundational texts published in 1967 alongside Of Grammatology and Writing and Difference, and the culmination of Derrida’s intensive early career work on the philosophy of Edmund Husserl. In particular, Voice and Phenomena explores the problem of language in Husserl’s phenomenology and problematises Husserl’s depiction of internal consciousness, which for Derrida is always-already mediated by language.

It is widely considered to be Derrida’s most significant purely philosophical work and developed his core philosophical concepts such as the logic of the supplement, the trace, and différance.

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