DE LA VEGA Garcillasso

Le Commentaire Royal ou Histoire des Yncas, Roys du Peru; Contenant leur origine, depuis le premier Ynca Manco Capac, leur Establissement, leur Idolatrie, leurs Sacrifices, leurs Vies, leurs Loix, leur Gouvernement en Paix & en guerre, leurs Conquestes; l

First French edition. Engraved frontispiece. Small stout 4to. Nineteenth century half calf. [46], 1319, [33]pp. Paris, Courbé, 1633.


Garcilasso de la Vega was the son of one of the Conquistadores of Peru whose wife Chimpa Ocllo, was the grand-daughter of the great Tupac Yupanqui, the last of the Incas. He was very proud of this double descent and was a man of considerable learning and refinement, with access to both the Spanish records and to the verbal history of the people themselves gleaned from his early life at Cuzco. *.*Sabin: 98743

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