MAFFEI (Giovani Pietro).

Le Historie delle Indie Orientali;

Tradotte di Latino in Lingua Toscana da M. Francesco… First Italian edition. 2 parts in 1. Printer’s woodcut device on title, with numerous woodcut initials. 4to. Eighteenth century polished calf, spine rubbed, front board detached. [xxx], 416 num. leaves. Venice, D. Zenaro, 1589.


Maffei compiled this history of the Indies over a period of twelve years. “It is a classic work on the subject, and enjoyed great success when it appeared” (Borba de Moraes). The second part (295ff.) consists of a selection of 43 letters under the title “Della scelta delle lettere scritte dell’ India” many of which relate to Japan. Included are early letters by the leading figures in the history of the mission in Japan: St. Francis Xavier, Frois, Vilela, di Silva, Gago, Almeida and others. These letters are important documents in the early phase of Western involvement in Japan, providing the first reliable reports about its political, cultural and geographical situation. Streit iv, 1056; Cordier 65; Laures 194; Takahashi 23.

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