APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE (Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Denis d').

Le Neptune Oriental ....

Second edition. Engraved frontispiece. Large folio. Lacking the title-page, manuscript index numbered to 61, not matching the charts present, calling for sixty-three sheets, number 10 ‘Carte a placer’ (‘Chart to insert’) seemingly never present, but with a break in the engraved plate numbers, seven charts not listed, totalling sixty-eight chart sheets, mostly double-page and a full-page sheet of coastal profiles. [Paris & Brest, Demonville & Malassis, 1775.


Apres de Mannevillette (1707-1780) was the son of a French sea-captain, in the service of the French West India Company; he was one of the first great French chart-publishers. From about 1735 he immersed himself in the chart of the route round India to the East Indies, collecting charts and other material about the navigation of the route and travelling extensively to build up his own experience.

In 1745, he published the First Edition of his pilot-book, ‘Le Neptune Oriental ou Routier General des Cotes des Indes Orientales et de la Chine …’; a second edition, and greatly expanded, followed in 1775, with sixty-three charts, and then a ‘Supplement au Neptune Oriental …’ published in 1781. However, copies of the various editions tend to have a variable plate count, with this copy containing sixty-nine plates.

National Maritime Museum, Atlases, 204.

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