LITTLETON (Sir Thomas).

Les Tenures de Monsieur Littleton:


Ouesque certeine Cases addes per auters de puisne temps, queux Cases vous troueres signes ouesque cest Signe * al commencement, & al fine de chescun de eux: au fine que ne poies eux misprender pur les cases de Mounsieur Littleton; Pur quel inconuenience, ils fueront dernierment tolles de cest Lieur. Et cy un foits pluis admotes al request des Gentlehomes, Students en le ley Dengleterre12mo. [1], 170, [25] leaves. Late nineteenth-century binding by Cape-Masson-Debonnelle of brown goatskin, the spine lettered in gilt, marbled endleaves, gilt edges.London: for the Companie of Stationers, 1608.


STC 15755.3 (British Library, Bodleian, Holkham Hall, University of St. Andrews; Folger, Huntington, Harvard, Library of Congress). The pages have been washed, removing some ink notes from the margins.One of multitudinous editions in Law French (from 1482) and English (from c.1523-25); some editions are more common than others, this one is in the middle of the range of rarity.“Littleton’s fame rests upon a short treatise on ‘Tenures’ written primarily for the instruction of his son Richard, to whom it is addressed, but which early attained the rank of a work of authority. Though preceded by, and to some extent based upon, a meagre tract of uncertain date known as ‘Old Tenures’, Littleton’s work was substantially original, and presented in an easy, and, notwithstanding it is written in law-French, agreeable style, and within moderate compass, a full and clear account of the several estates and tenures then known to English law with their peculiar incidents. Probably no legal treatise ever combined so much of the substance with so little of the show of learning, or so happily avoided pedantic formalism without forfeiting precision of statement.” - DNB.

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