A Letter address'd to Every Honest Man in Britain;

and Most Respectfully submitted to the Serious and Patriotal Perusal of the Ministry. Demonstrating, that not only the Honour, the Interest, but even the Preservation of Great Britain, absolutely calls for a Speedy and Vigorous War with Spain… To which is added, a Postscript, relating to the Present Precarious Situation of the Affairs of France… The Whole interspersed with Proper Remarks on a Pamphlet lately published for the Service of the Plunderers of the Subjects of Great Britain. Light browning, otherwise very good in modern calf-backed paper-covered boards. vi, 50pp. John Cooper, 1738.


The author argues strongly for a blow to be struck against the Spanish for their depredations on the West India trade. In particular he belabours the author of the pamphlet Common Sense - its Nature and Use… as applied to the Spanish Affair. - “this Spanish Mercenary”, the “Spanish prostitute” - for his inconsistencies and his reticence. “… the Author… tells us of our Fleet in the Tagus, under the Command of Sir John Norris. If then we had a Fleet to save the Potuguese, can we want one to save the British Nation? Were our effects in Portugal of greater Consequence and Value, than all our Colonies and Plantations in America, which I am afraid, will either all decay, or else, through dire Necessity, throw themselves under other Protection, if we don’t protect our Trade with them.”

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