DONKIN (Lieut-Gen. Sir Rufane).

A Letter on the Government of the Cape of Good Hope,

and on certain events which have occured there of late years, under the administration of Lord Charles Somerset. First edition. 8vo. Modern half morocco. 147pp. London, Carpenter and Son, 1827.


“The pamphlet throws considerable light on the disputes arising out of the settlement at Albany, and strongly criticises Lord Charles Somerset’s methods of government, and mismanagement of the revenues of the Cape Colony” (Mendelssohn).

This work forms part of the feud between Donkin and Somerset. Lord Charles Somerset left Cape Town in January 1820 and Donkin was appointed Acting Governor in his absence. During this period, he reversed Somerset’s frontier policy and quarrelled with his predecessor, Captain Henry Somerset. However when Somerset returned he was incensed by what he found and Donkin returned to England in 1821, where he set about publicising his feelings on the Cape’s government. Mendelssohn, pp477-8.

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