[TOWNSHEND (George, First Marquis).]

Letter petitioning for Townshend's "Interest" on behalf of Capt. Thos. Smelt, 47th Regt.

Manuscript in ink. Single page. 8vo. Lightly browned, creases from old folds, docketed verso. Cork Harbour, October 30th, 1772.


Smelt writes to Townhend having heard that “you are Determined to leave this Kingdom”, leaving him “now no friend Left on this side of the water to speak for me”. He asks that he mentions his services to Lord Harcourt, who had just succeeded Townshend as Lord Lieutenant, “… who would perhaps consider me some time or other… I am almost wore out in the Service being a Good Deal afflicted with the Gout, and Going to a cold Climate in the Spring /Quebec/ as it is Reported will render me Totally unfite [sic] for the Service.”

In fact in early 1773 the 47th were sent to New Jersey, and thence to Boston in October 1774. Whether Smelt went with them we have been unable to ascertain, but in 1781 he was serving as Town Major or Portsmouth, so perhaps Townshend’s indirect influence had served him well eventually.

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