DICKENS (Charles).
The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit.
With the title vignette ‘£100’ appearing on the signpost which according to Eckel, it was later corrected to from ‘100£’. However, according to Hatton and Cleaver, these plates were both in use simultaneously and as such there is no first state or priority of the illustration contrary to what is often cited by cataloguers. (Smith).
With the usual darkening of the plates. A pleasant, clean, unworn copy with the ownership inscription (dated 1870) and armorial bookplate of Evelyn L. Fanshawe, one of the four sons of Admiral Sir Edward Gennys Fanshawe.
Walter E. Smith, Charles Dickens in Original Cloth Part 1. 7. Hatton and Cleaver, A Bibliography of the Periodical Works of Charles Dickens, p. 185.