COX (Morris) & TUCKER (Alan)

In Line

One of 50 numbered copies, vol.2 signed by both artist and author. 2vols., 18.1x26cm, in green cloth boards with paper labels on the front, in a matching green cloth slip-case with black paper sides and paper label on front and spine.

Vol.1: 8 collages by Morris Cox printed on Japanese handmade paper, with design endpaper collages. 10 double-page collages and one single-page, leaves joined at fore edges. Vol.2: signed by both authors on colophon, poems by Alan Tucker to Vol.1 collages with three additional poems and double-page collages. Design endpaper collages are repeats from Vol.1. Text pages printed offset litho. London, Gogmagog Press, 1988.


A very fine copy. Collages are repeats of 1987 In Line folded as double pages for smaller format. The only issue from the Gogmagog Photocopy Library to be published for sale, a rare and attractive artist book.

Cox’s distinctive textured prints result from his technique of attaching materials to wood, offsetting the blocks and impressing them on plastic attached to a rubber sheet, then taking the print from the plastic rather than the original block. In Line benefits from this multi-layered technique with its delightfully intricate prints mixing natural elements (including a dozing cat and three wary mice) with lattice designs that produce an elevated, artful I Spy effect. The collages inspired Tucker’s 8 poems, as well as an additional 3 poems, for which Cox made associated collages.

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