MANSO DE VELASCO (José Antonio),

Ls. addressed to Don Josef Caraval y Lancaster, a member of the council of the Indies describing the earthquake of the night of 28th October 1746.

Manuscript in ink, secretarial hand but signed by Manso. 8pp including 2 blanks (one docketed). Dated 30th March, 1748.


One of the most devastating events in Peru’s history, but from which the author of this letter emerged with great credit, after rebuilding Callao and Lima and earning himself the title Condé de Superundo (Count of the flood). The earthquake is estimated to have been 8.6 on the Richter scale and the subsequent tsunami twenty-eight metres. Due to the build up of shockwaves, most inhabitants survived the earthquake itself, but the devastation caused the destruction of over three quarters of the buildings. The huge tsunami which arrived twenty minutes after the major tremor killed many.

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