AUGUIS (P[ierre]-R[ené])
Mémoires Historiques de Frédéric II, dit le Grand,
Uncommon, OCLC records four copies only, no copies on KVK.
Auguis was born in 1786, his first career was in the teaching of literature, which was briefly interrupted by a fling in the military, he returned to letters and between 1812 and 1830 produced a range of literary studies. In 1814 he was imprisoned for composing articles “contenant des faits injurieux à la personne de Louis XVIII”, freed in March 1815, he was re-arrested in September of that year and held at La Force until August 1817. After the revolution of 1830 he became a deputy, sitting on the oppostion benches, and in 1842 was made conservateur of the Bibliothèque Mazarine.