Mémoires Historiques de Frédéric II, dit le Grand,

Comprenant les Matinées du Roi de Prusse; quelques Particularitées sur sa Vie Militaire, Privée et Littéraire; ses Opuscules Littéraires; son Testament; la Relation du Siége d’Asoph per les Russes, et du Voyage de Pierre 1er en Hollande, trouvée dans son Cabinet a Potzdam, etc. etc. etc. Précédés d’une Préface très-curieuse envoyée de Berlin. Publiés par… Light browning, otherwise very good in C19th half calf on marbled boards, just a little rubbed. l, [ii] table, 552pp. Paris, 1828.


Uncommon, OCLC records four copies only, no copies on KVK.

Auguis was born in 1786, his first career was in the teaching of literature, which was briefly interrupted by a fling in the military, he returned to letters and between 1812 and 1830 produced a range of literary studies. In 1814 he was imprisoned for composing articles “contenant des faits injurieux à la personne de Louis XVIII”, freed in March 1815, he was re-arrested in September of that year and held at La Force until August 1817. After the revolution of 1830 he became a deputy, sitting on the oppostion benches, and in 1842 was made conservateur of the Bibliothèque Mazarine.

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