FERRIERES-SAUVEBOEUF (Louis Francois, Comte de).

Memoires historiques, politiques et geographiques, des voyages fair en Turqie, en Perse et en Arabie depuis 1782 jusqu'en 1789

A secret agent in the Near East

First edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Contemporary speckled calf, gilt; spines slightly worn, loss to both tails, very good otherwise. [2], xxiv, 298, [1]; [2], x, 303, [1] pp. Paris, Chez Buisson, 1790.


Ferrières-Sauveboeuf (1762-1814) started his career as an Officer before working as a diplomat in the service of the Comte Vergennes. It was supposedly on Vergennes’ order that he undertook a number of secret missions while in the Near East, which led to his first disagreements with the French Ambassador at Constantinople, Choiseul-Gouffier. Choiseul-Gouffier later dismissed Ferrières-Sauveboeuf for interfering in Franco-Turkish diplomacy; an action that no doubt accounts for the zealous rebuke of his character in the present text.

The first volume covers years 1788-89 of the Russo-Turkish war. The second concerns the author’s travels in Egypt, Palestine, Greece, Syria, Persia and Cyprus. While in Persia “he represented himself to the Shah as a precursor of the French envoy” (Blackmer).

Atabey, 418 (second edition); Blackmer, 590; Weber, 598.

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