Mémoires. Venu de ma Montagne.

Illustrations. First edition. 8vo., rebound in blue buckram, red morocco label to the spine, original front wrapper bound in. Paris, Flammarion, 1960.


A presentation copy, inscribed on the half title page ‘à Julian Amery en souvenir de Strasbourg amicalement Paul Reynaud’. Reynaud, the penultimate Prime Minister of the Third republic, and Amery were both advocates of European Economic union, having known each other from Amery’s time as an assistant to Churchill in the early 1950s. During the war he was imprisoned by the Nazis until his liberation by Allied forces in 1945. Amery, who sat in the Commons for 39 years on the Conservative benches, was Harold Macmillan’s son in law.

Pp 345-60 torn where badly opened.

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