JUDICE BIKER (Julio Firmino).

Memoria sobre o estabelecimento de Macau, escripta pelo Visconde de Santarem. Abreviada relação da embaixada que el-rei D. João V mandou ao imperador da China e Tartaria. Relatorio de Francisco de Assis Pacheco de Sampaio a el-rei D. José I dando conta do

First edition. Frontispiece with tipped-in colour plate of the coat-of-arms of Macau. 8vo. Rebound in blue cloth. A very good copy. 108pp. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1879.


This book has two parts: The first chapter (30pp.) deals with the foundation and development of Macau, written for the Viscount of Santarem. This is followed by an abbreviated account of the embassy that King D. João V sent to the Chinese Emperor in 1726. The third chapter is a report by Francisco de Assis Pacheco de Sampaio to King D. José I reporting on the successes of the embassy to the Peking Court in 1752.

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