[BURTON (Captain Richard)].

A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome. With notices of the so-called "Amazons," the Grand Customs, the Yearly Customs, the Human Sacrifices, the Present State of the Slave Trade, and the Negro's Place in Nature.

Second edition, THE TITLES DEFACED BY AN UNSCRUPULOUS OWNER. 2 vols. Each with a frontispiece and other plates. 8vo. Modern calf gilt spines. . pp. xvii, 386; vi, 413,London, Tinsley Brothers, 1864.


“Second edition” has been carefully erased from each title. Dedicated to his Spanish friends in Fernando Po, Burton describes herein his mission to Dahomey, the aim of which had been to end slave raiding and human sacrifice.

Despite the presentation of suitable gifts to King Gelele the mission was not a diplomatic success.

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