DUNDONALD ( Lieut.-General The Earl of).

My Army Life.

First edition. Four half-tone plates. Lacks the frontispiece. The original black cloth, a little ragged. Presentation inscription from the author to ffep. viii, 342pp. 16pp. publisher’s catalogue. London, Edward Arnold & Co., 1926.


Douglas Mackinnon Baillie Hamilton Cochrane, 12th Earl of Dundonald joined the 2nd Life Guards in 1870. In the Expedition of 1884-5 participated in Stewart’s Desert Column, present at the battles of Abu Klea and Gubat, commanded the transport on the march to Metemmeh. He carried the despatches announcing the seizure of Gakdul Wells, and again of the death of Gordon and the fall of Khartoum. Later service in the South African War 1899-1902. Presentation copy: “To Mr. Harrington from the Author D”.

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