The first edition was printed in Taunton. The illustrations, which are the same as those in the first edition, are slightly naive but very beautiful etchings, all made by the author, showing, inter alia, a panorama of Rio, Kicker Rock (Galapagos), Pitcairn Island and a charming portrait of Friday Christian.
Upon reaching Rio, Shillibeer was “ordered into the Pacific to search for the American frigate Essex, then threatening British whalers” (Hill). The Marquesas, Juan Fernandez and the Galapagos were also visited during the cruise.
At Pitcairn Island, the Briton was boarded by a number of the locals with whom the crew discussed the infamous mutiny and life on the island; a conversation wonderfully documented by the author in a question and answer exchange. Though Shillibeer did not set foot on Pitcairn, he includes a Captain’s account of meeting John Adams, the last surviving Bounty mutineer. Borba, p796; Hill, 1563.