Compiled from the Notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keating and Colhoun.
First English edition. 2 volumes. Folding map (this torn, without loss, and rather clumsily folded), and 8 engraved plates, including 2 of shells and 1 of music. Three extending tables. 8vo. Nineteenth century half green calf, with marbled paper boards, rubbed and with spines darkened. Library labels on front pastedown endpapers and with a stamp on the title page and last page of each volume. xiii, [iii], 458; vi, 248, 156 [appendix]pp. London, Whittaker, 1824.
Field, 949; Graff, 2280; Howes, K20. Pilling, Proof-Sheets, 2066, 3494; Sabin, 37137; Wagner-Camp, 26b:1.